Life is beautiful!

Life is beautiful!
Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it... Sai Baba

Sunday 5 July 2015

Kek Minyak

I never bake a cake. So this is my first cake. It is called Kek Minyak aka Oily Cake. Instead of using butter or margarine, I used cooking oil. I'm still a beginner in baking thus I didn't expect the outcome to be extraordinary. After mixing, beating and baking, tadaaaaaa! The cake came out nice, soft and not bad for a beginner. I'll continue to improve my baking skill until I can bake as good as Anna Olsen, my inspiration and baking guru.
The Recipe:
5 eggs
1/2 cup of castor sugar
2 cups of flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1 cup of condensed milk
1 tbsp of ovallete
1 cup of cooking oil
1 tsp of vanilla essence
Happy Baking peeps!